What Can You Do?

Although the Town Council voted 7-0 to pass the ordinance, it can still be vetoed by the Representative Town Meeting (RTM). They are having their next meeting on September 12th at 7:30 PM at the Groton Senior Center.

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You can change the world with this.
A 2/3 vote is required to veto the ordinance, meaning about 20-25 votes.

If you are a Groton resident, there are three important ways you can help: contact your representative, speak at the meeting, and tell your friends!

If you are not a Groton resident, you can share this with every Groton resident you know and encourage them to help.

Contact Your Representatives
If you live in Groton, you live in one of 7 districts. Take a look at this map and find your district.

Next, go to the RTM Roster and find the contact information for your representatives.

Additionally, prior to being heard at the RTM, it will be heard by the Community & Development Services Committee, whose members are listed on the town web site.

Call, email and/or send letters telling them that you'd like them to vote to veto the BYOB ordinance. Be polite. You may be the first person they've heard from about this, and that means you are the representative of your cause to this person.

Please do not call them after 8 PM. Waking them up does not make a good first impression, as you can imagine.

Many of the representatives know little about this ordinance. They are just ordinary citizens who volunteered to serve their community as members of the RTM. They do their best to stay on top of everything going on it town government, but they're as busy as the rest of us, and they can't keep up with it all.

Your job is to educate them about why this ordinance should be vetoed, which you can do by simply expressing your opinion politely and connecting them to resources we are assembling on this site.

Speak at the Meeting
RTM meetings are public, and any citizen may speak during citizen's petitions. You can show up to the meeting on September 12th and sign up to speak. You can tell your story and share detailed opinions, or you can simply say that you desire this ordinance to be vetoed. Every voice counts.

Tell Your Friends
Share this message with everyone you know in Groton who would oppose this ordinance. If they don't understand why it should be opposed, we'll be creating resources, Q&As and other information to help explain it for you.

If you have questions or suggestions, reach out to us at savemidnighthookah@gmail.com


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